Legislator Todaro and Depew Village Trustee Audrey Hamernik deliver Easter baskets to children throughout the village

Modified: April 17, 2020 10:34am


Erie County Legislator Frank Todaro

Erie County Legislator Frank J. Todaro and Village of Depew Trustee Audrey Hamernik teamed up to deliver Easter baskets and supplies to children throughout the village before last week’s holiday.

The baskets included toys, gifts, and 17 chocolate bunnies donated by Henry’s Chocolates in Alden, along with some essential supplies to help address growing needs as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Legislator Todaro said, “It was my pleasure to deliver these baskets to help lift kids’ spirits this Easter holiday. Every child deserves to have an enjoyable day, even if things are a little different than usual this year. I would like to thank Audrey and those who donated to this cause.  I am honored to help in any way I can as we continue to fight the COVID19 outbreak together. When someone is in need, I can pick up the phone and count on someone to come through from the community to help. This is what’s great about Western New York!”

Depew Village Trustee Audrey Hamernik said, “Unfortunately, there are children in need throughout our community, and it was my pleasure to help make sure they were able to enjoy the holiday. Not every parent can afford to buy these gifts and right now, it is even more difficult for many to make ends meet. We were able to secure crayons, coloring books, stuffed animals, beanie babies, candies chocolates, and more. These items mean a lot to these children and their families and I hope they had a wonderful Easter.”


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