Legislator Todaro introduces resolution in support of WNY farms

Modified: September 24, 2020 4:53pm


Erie County Legislators introduced a resolution in support of funding for WNY farms and opposing new wage requirements that would increase costs and potentially cut opportunities for seasonal workers.

Provisions of the 2019 Farm Laborers Fair Practices Act gives farm workers a right to overtime after 60 hours of work each week, and the Farm Laborers Wage Board is currently holding hearings on that threshold. However, many farms are unable to keep up with the growing costs associated with staying in business and paying their workers.

The resolution backed by the Minority Caucus supports New York State Senate bill S8944, which delays provisions in the Farm Workers Fair Labor Practices Act in order to provide a more accurate picture of the impact that the provisions of law would have on our agriculture industry. Further, the legislation would give a voice to agricultural employers and laborers by requiring additional public hearings and requiring the wage board to consult with those in the industry.

Legislator Frank Todaro said, “State leaders need to take action before the wage board can do more damage to the farming industry. My colleagues and I support the push to freeze current wage board conversations about lowering the threshold and imposing any additional mandates. We value our farming community and stand with the farmers who work tirelessly to put food on our tables.”

A copy of the resolution can be viewed here.


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