Legislature holds committee discussion on proposal to install wind turbines in Lake Erie

Modified: September 25, 2019 8:01am


Thursday afternoon, the Erie County Legislature held a committee meeting to discuss a proposal to stall up to 50 industrial wind turbines in Lake Erie beginning in the Town of Evans. Legislators Lynne Dixon and John Mills recently introduced a resolution opposing the plan.

A number of speakers were in attendance for Thursday’s meeting, including those voicing their opposition. Paul Michalec, Chairman of the Town of Evans Conservation Advisory Committee, Rich Davenport of the Erie County Fisheries Advisory Board, Jeff Jondle, President of the Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Mike Schraft, Town of Evans Councilman, and Chautauqua County Executive George Borrello all spoke about why they are opposed to placing wind turbines in the lake.

Legislator Dixon said, “I remain strongly opposed to installing wind turbines in Lake Erie. These massive structures would jeopardize our fresh drinking water and other environmental assets enjoyed by the community I represent. I thank all who attended Thursday’s meeting to speak on this issue and will continue to send a message that I do not want to see this plan move forward.”

Legislator Mills said, “As a sponsor of a resolution opposing this project, I am continuing to voice my concerns with this proposal and believe our top priority should be protecting our fresh drinking water. I appreciate all who came to speak on this topic. We need to continue to send a strong message that these wind turbines do not belong in our lake.”

Paul Michalec, Chairman of the Town of Evans Conservation Advisory Commission and Climate Smart Task Force said, “Lake Erie defines our communities and our region. Lake Erie was instrumental in the development of our economy and a great source of history and legend. The lake moderates our climate, extends our growing season, and reminds us of its power with its lake-effect rain and snow. It is our source of drinking water, a place to recreate, a place to enjoy. The unbroken horizon where the sky meets the water reminds us daily of how small we are in a very large world. There are plenty of other ways to move forward in addressing our sustainability and resiliency when fighting climate change. Lake Erie and the Great Lakes deserve to be protected from development. I am sure future generations will be glad we did.”

Rich Davenport, secretary of the Erie County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs said, “Industrial Wind turbines bring many threats to the waters of life. Although many questions and concerns exist, two very real threats from industrial turbines rise above the others; re-exposure of buried industrial toxins through tower construction and transmission line trenching, and the acoustic pollution both during construction and operation.”


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