Modified: October 30, 2021 11:44am
Dedicates New Automatic Doors at Auto Bureau in Effort to Promote Legacy of Inclusion
Erie County, NY- As October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns and Our Lady of Victory (OLV) Human Services held a dedication ceremony in honor of the late Dan Porter who passed away in 2020. Despite his infirmities, Dan was a powerful advocate for inclusion and accessibility for people with disabilities.
“In recognition of Dan Porter’s passion, dedication and relentless pursuit of inclusion by ensuring that ‘doors are open to everyone’, it is my great honor to proclaim the automatic entry doors at the Erie County Auto Bureau will be forever known as ‘Danny’s Doors’,” stated Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns. “A plaque honoring Dan’s legacy will be hung in the entry way of the Erie County Auto Bureaus in Tonawanda and here in West Seneca.”
Recently, County Clerk Kearns had automatic entry doors were installed at both the Erie County Auto Bureau locations in Tonawanda and West Seneca with money provided through CARES Act funding. The effort to curb COVID-19made it possible to continue Dan’s effort to “open the doors to everyone.” Dan first expressed his objective with Kearns when they would have conversations at Kearns’ office when he was an New York State Assemblyman.
“When Dan Porter entered a room, he radiated warmth, goodness, and compassion,” Cindy Lee, CEO of OLV Human Services, said. “Dan lived with us – and enriched out lives - for 16 amazing years and he taught us lessons that continue on today. He was a leader in his own right, having founded a group that advocated for individuals with disabilities who could not speak for themselves.,” said Cindy Lee, CEO of OLV Human Services. “Dan was gentleman, a musician, a leader, and a caring individual who loved life. And, even though he passed away in July of 2020, his legacy continues on at OLV Human Services and throughout the Western New York community.”
Erie County Clerk Kearns plans to continue his efforts for additional inclusionary modifications at each County Office under his control.