Modified: July 9, 2021 2:34pm

July 9, 2021

County Clerk is asking Purple Heart veterans to come forward and be part ofPurple Heart Day Ceremony                                              

Erie County, NY- Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns will again honor veterans that have been bestowed the Purple Heart by adding their name to the William J. Donovan Purple Heart Recipients Book of Merit. Kearns is asking those awarded the Purple Heart or their surviving family members to submit their request to his office by July 26th to be added to the 2021 edition and be part of this year’s ceremony. 

Purple Heart veterans or their families must complete a short application that can be obtained online at or by email at Those with additional questions can call the Clerk’s office at 716-858-6787. 

“I think it is important to honor the brave men and women who have served and sacrificed for our Country. They deserve to be recognized and I am pleased we are able to maintain a record of our local heroes at the Erie County Clerk’s Office”, stated Kearns. 

Prior to 2018, no formal record of Purple Heart honorees in Erie County ever existed until Clerk Kearns established the William J. Donovan Purple Heart Recipients Book of Merit and committed to add to the book each year with new recipients. 

The 2020 volume of the William J. Donovan Purple Heart Book of Merit is on display at the Erie County Clerk’s Office in Old County Hall located at 92 Franklin Street, Buffalo. It presently holds four hundred eighty (480) names of those honored with the Purple Heart from Western New York who submitted their request. 

The Purple Heart is the oldest military decoration awarded to members of the United States military who were wounded or killed while serving, on or after April 5, 1917. Kearns will also honor Purple Heart veterans during a ceremony on Friday, August 6th and more details will be available closer to the event date. 
